Monday, April 30, 2012

Emotional Conquest

Tears like white hot fire departed from my eyes, carving their own right of passage and leaving a deposit-evidence of the act, down my wrist. Funny, how the moment tears left my eyes, they felt cold, without trace of heat; But upon making the journey from my face to where my cheek had rest on my hand, the cold sensation registered the same as hot. Salt water so sweet, stung like a burn, clinging to it's host. Jarred from present state, I dismissed the tears from my wrist with a swipe of the hand. The action, simply on repeat to extract the same evidence that lay underneath my eyes.

How magnificent a thing emotion brings, that it draws forth a well from our body. To sit here and say, let it be so, come forth-oh tears! Ye shall flow! Nae; it will never be so. 

Emotion; movement within the soul. Sways us to tears, and ultimately lack of control. A fickle mind and an overgrown heart, a road to confusion; unsure where to start. My mind sets on things that I ought not to do, my heart bids me listen; I know better than you. Now spirit man speaks up at this time; quiets the heart-brings peace to the mind. I find that the only rest for my whole, is found in submission; mind, body and soul.

As one could probably see and as I've mentioned before, I love to express my writing through the meter of how words fall. The pentameter of each word and the way it rolls of the tongue is important to the overall feel of the passage of poetry. Often, a single line in poetry will have many meanings. That's the beauty of it. If one takes it in slowly, chewing on each word until the full nutrition of the sentence seeps in, they will have taken in the purpose for that expression in writing. 

The Lord tells us to meditate on scripture day and night, do all that it instructs, and in all our ways, we will be prosperous and successful. (paraphrased) (Joshua 1:8) 

This particular scripture is able to reach out to us in more than one area of our lives. This verse teaches us that, in order to retain that which is good for us, take it in slowly; chewing on the interpretation and truth of the word. 

Basically, when in the mindset of wanting to learn, quiet yourself and read in between the lines. God speaks in metaphors. His language is symbolic. 

A powerful tool of the enemy has been to get us to feel at loss when reading scripture. 

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) 

It is no secret that scripture is a tool given to us by God. The enemy KNOWS the danger to him, if you walk in God's promise-His WORD- for your life. "Your word is truth." (John 17:7) , "The scripture CANNOT be broken." (John 10:35). Write the words on your heart-(Joshua 1:8) again-and BE successful. 

There has been  a dumbing down of language. A loss of attention, understanding and retention. What better excuse to not read the Bible, when one doesn't understand it? The same could be said in the natural with Shakespeare, Moliere, Thoreau, etc. 

"I don't get it." or the excuse that it is elevated language, stunts our growth and conclusively makes us give up. If we were ever to stay in the realm of comfortable-or in the realm of what we understand, the world would be in the dark ages. 

"Necessity is the mother of invention" ~Plato 

Thank GOD for the people who understand this principle! God wrote the Bible, because we needed it. We can't fight the forces of darkness in our own might or understanding. It is more than a physical battle. The phrase, "Knowledge is power"...there IS some truth to that. But it's not an earthly knowledge that we need have. The knowledge is the knowledge that comes from knowing God. Knowing His word, knowing His strategy.

The enemies word is: "We don't understand", "We're not comfortable", "We have no control"-But they're lies! The Devil is a liar! We need to shut him up. 

We've stopped trying. We've stopped warring against adversity. We don't know how to wield our weapon. Heck! Some of us don't even know what our weapon is!

Our weapon is the WORD of God. Account after account is made known to us about how God is victorious. Story after story about men who didn't understand yet counted the word as truth and walked out the promises made to them. 

Life is about operating in your Spiritman and taking control over your body and soul. 

God's word is law. Law stands firm and there is consequence to those who don't operate in that. So, the man who operates in his body bears the fruit of that.

Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. (Ephesians 4:19)

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. (Romans 1:27)

For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. (
1 Peter 4:3)

I don't say this or bring this up with the intent to preach at you. No matter, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) God loves us. More than we will ever be able to understand; but we do have to know that for every action, there is an equal opposite reaction. The law of sowing and reaping stands firm.

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" (Gal. 6:7 ) 

As these scriptures pertain to the consequence of living in the body, there is also a consequence to living in the realm of the soul.

The soul is comprised of the mind, the will and the emotions. Let me, Charisa Bareither, be to you, the prime example of what living in the soul looks like. I have endured it. Trust me. 

I was thee most emotional child that has probably ever existed on the face of this earth. Alright, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration...but really. Childhood consisted of absolute torment on the playground from my peers AND adults as I stood to the subjection, scorn and unfair blame of the falling of events-to whom, automatically fell upon me.

As a child, and still to this day, I operate like a sponge. Every emotion that rests in the atmosphere, I soak in. In the spiritual, this is called Burden Bearing, and it is supposed to be a gift...But to those who don't know, the gift that you are given by God can be used as either a blessing, or a curse. God is so good of a God that He pours out His spirit on ALL flesh. (Acts 2:17) Whether or not His child knows Him, God pours Himself on him and showers him with gifting. 

For the sake of an example...Hitler, had an incredible gift of leadership, but instead of using that gift for the eternal glory of the Lord, he used it as a curse. 

Artists of any kind are drawing their creativity from a source.  God is the only one who can make something out of nothing. Everything created needs a source. That source is completely spiritual. Some, pull down creativity from God, others, unknowingly and sometimes very knowingly, pull down their inspiration from...THE DARK SIDE!....dun dun dun! Alright, alright...

As a child, it is really hard to discern what is yours emotionally, and what is not. Emotions are emotions. As I grow up and mature in the Lord, I strive to be able to properly use my gift and will continue to train to use it in it's blessing and not it's curse. The point of my gifting, is to pray until the burden lifts. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)
I spent years of my life operating and reacting off of emotion and what I felt in the heat of the moment. I couldn't help it, really. I couldn't help but to react. It wasn't fair that I felt things to deeply and was punished for it. But the fruit in my life, due to my reaction based lifestyle, ended up pushing everyone away and causing a deeper more pain and consequently...more emotion. It was a vicious cycle.

Let us reread the beginning of this post:

Tears like white hot fire departed from my eyes, carving their own right of passage and leaving a deposit-evidence of the act, down my wrist. Funny, how the moment tears left my eyes, they felt cold, without trace of heat; But upon making the journey from my face to where my cheek had rest on my hand, the cold sensation registered the same as hot. Salt water so sweet, stung like a burn, clinging to it's host. Jarred from present state, I dismissed the tears from my wrist with a swipe of the hand. The action, simply on repeat to extract the same evidence that lay underneath my eyes.

How magnificent a thing emotion brings, that it draws forth a well from our body. To sit here and say, let it be so, come forth-oh tears! Ye shall flow! Nae; it will never be so. 

Emotion; movement within the soul. Sways us to tears, and ultimately lack of control. A fickle mind and an overgrown heart, a road to confusion; unsure where to start. My mind sets on things that I ought not to do, my heart bids me listen; I know better than you. Now spirit man speaks up at this time; quiets the heart-brings peace to the mind. I find that the only rest for my whole, is found in submission; mind, body and soul. 

God is good to bring me out of my woes. He awoke me from my stupor like a white hot fire and encouraged me to write. Weeping endures for the night, but JOY comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. (Galatians 5:16-17)

I hope this encouraged you and made sense. I just needed to write. :)


  1. Not only did it make sense, it touched my whole being; spirit, mind and soul. You have such insight and write beautifully. It allows me to savor the message as you said, to chew on it, be nourished and grow. Thank you my darling niece for being brave and expressing the gift that you have and that you are to me.

  2. Thank you Ariel! I'm definitely just trying to exercise my gifting and passions. A gift left unwrapped is no good to anyone. Bless you. Love. Congrats on your business!!
